Special Delivery AnimationsHOOT! is a 6 year old Owlet.
He is a special little guy that can deliver big special messages that range from 60 seconds to 90 seconds for as little as $269
He is a funny little messenger of peace, love and happiness, and he loves to talk and play around with anagrams. If you have something special you would like to say to someone and need a unique way to do it, this service could be the perfect solution.
HOOT! began his animated life as a customized GoAnimate character who would tell folks about the truth and wisdom of Anagrams. He is my own character design who eventually was born as a animated character in 2010 when he was divinely gifted with movement by the talented Australian artist, David Arandle AKA TET (The Extraordinary Tourist).
In his very first introduction he showed viewers how an anagram of the title, GOANIMATE could also be turned into the phrase, A GIANT MEGA. To date, GoAnimate/vyond has became exactly that and HOOT! has had a comfortable home there since 2010. But he is has progressed ---and is now a G3 Character in Reallusions Crazy Talk Animator/Cartoon Animator software and his ready to deliver more messages with more action, more perfect mouth spriting, and of that means more owlet Charm. HOOT! was born as a moving cartoon character on May 22, 2010 auspiciously placing his Sun at birth in the sign of Gemini which is the sign of 'the messenger'.
So its his starry destiny to be of service to others as a Messenger of words and numbers; and sometimes even the lore of the Stars. In the video below, its the first time we see him as a CTA3 G3 Character. Get HOOT! to delivery a Special Message for youVideos from the Heart
Video Editor / Animator / Photographer Let me help you create the perfect production for your needs. Austintown, Ohio Email: [email protected] Email me with your interest and supply a phone number and the best time to reach you. I'm looking forward to being a part of your success and eager add a little something special to your business or gift. Watch some HOOT! Video Productions as GoAnimate Flash CharacterThis production was completed for Business. It was made as a contest entry from an appeal by My Network One. I entered two productions--this one, and another one. The other one came in 2nd place and was awarded $100.
How TheseStars Found the Yellow CanaryMerry Christmas Music VideoHOOT! and Stick Figure in a Christmas Special Music Video! with some a cover of Whams' song Last Christmas by Stelladeora and a fun little story line to go along.
HOOT! on Cafe PressThis production was done to let people know that HOOT! was now on Cafe Press and could get their own T-Shirt with his image on it.
In this production HOOT! delivers a Happy Birthday message to David Arandle, the graphic artist that turned him into a animated character ---but things go terribly wrong when his side kick, Stick Figure is not at all happy about not being recently used in Arandle's animations.